Kybella in Houston, TX
About Kybella
Just a small amount of extra fat in the upper throat area can create the presence of a "double chin" that can be unwanted to both women and men. The additional pockets of fat under the chin (also known as the submental area) can be caused by aging, genetics, or weight fluctuations that lead to a softer jawbone and chin for a less defined profile. Board-certified Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Derek Lou is proud to provide a revolutionary way to get rid of neck fat at LouMD Med Spa. Approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), Kybella is a new nonsurgical treatment for upper neck fat. The active component in Kybella is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, which works similarly like the body's natural DA to dissolve and absorb fat cells. After it is injected under the chin, you can see a visible decrease in fat. When the fat is destroyed, the cells cannot return so you can enjoy your new slim neck and strong jawline for years to come.
Ideal Candidates
The ideal candidates for Kybella injections have excess fat in the upper throat (submental area), which creates a double chin or unwanted fullness. This injection treats resistant pockets of fat that can't be reduced with normal weight loss techniques due to genetics, aging, and several other conditions. If you are at a healthy, stable weight, but exercise and diet have not helped to reduce the fat in your upper neck, Kybella may be the correct treatment for you. While Kybella can correct small or moderate pockets of fat in the upper neck, larger pockets of fat may be better suited for surgical neck liposuction at LouMD Med Spa.
Procedure Technique
Kybella is performed during an appointment in one of our treatment rooms. Dr. Lou will often apply a numbing ointment to the treatment area, if requested, once the skin has been cleansed. The injection lasts around 15 minutes, which comprises of several small injections into the upper neck area. Patients may only need a single treatment to reach their goal while others may need multiple injections spaced three weeks between each appointment at LouMD Med Spa.
What to Expect
Kybella doesn't need general anesthesia so you are able to leave our office when you are ready to return to your normal routine. You may have short-term bruising, swelling, or numbness under your chin, but this shouldn't last more than a few days. Contact LouMD Med Spa right away if you are experiencing any unusual symptoms, such as difficulty swallowing, facial muscle weakness, or if your facial expressions are uneven. While the fat cells that are eliminated do not regenerate, the remaining cells can become larger so you should keep a stable weight after your Kybella treatments to keep new pockets of fat from developing. Ideal results after this procedure will leave your neck appearing tighter and sleeker, and your neckline will be better defined.
Kybella FAQs
How much does Kybella cost?
The price of Kybella treatments will vary based on how many treatments are needed. At your initial consultation, a personalized plan will be created to work with your goals and budget. A member of our team will also discuss the payment methods we accept at your first appointment.
How does Kybella work?
Deoxycholic acid, the active ingredient in Kybella, is designed to break down and destroy fat cells in the body. Once the fat cells are eliminated, they cannot regenerate. This is why more Kybella injections shouldn't be needed as soon as you have reached your desired outcome.
Can Kybella be used to treat other areas of the body?
Right now, Kybella is only available for treatment of the area below the chin. Kybella can effectively minimize the appearance of a double chin. Kybella has not been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for any other areas of the face or body.
Am I eligible for a Kybella treatment?
Before your consultation, you will answer a few questions to make sure you are a candidate for Kybella treatments. You need to be at least 18 years old, not breastfeeding or pregnant, and you should not have an active infection in or around your neck. Before receiving treatment, you are encouraged to be open about your medical history and health concerns so that Dr. Lou can determine if you may be at risk for an adverse reaction from the treatment.
How many treatment sessions will I need?
During your initial consultation, a personalized treatment plan will be tailored to match your needs and aesthetic goals. Most often, patients get between two to four Kybella injections to achieve their goals. Kybella treatments need to be made around 30 days apart. You shouldn't receive any more than six injections.
Houston Kybella
Even if everyone in your family has to hide their genetic double chin, you shouldn't have to. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Derek Lou to get more information about the new Kybella injectable at LouMD Med Spa in Houston, TX. Destroy submental fat so you can have a well-defined, strong jawline today.