Umbilicoplasty in Houston, TX
Houston Umbilicoplasty (Belly Button Surgery)
Dr. Lou is a renowned and trusted expert for patients seeking umbilicoplasty procedures in Houston, Texas. Many of Dr. Lou’s patients choose to undergo belly button surgery after having tummy tuck procedures performed by other surgeons that have left them without belly buttons. Patients have come from all over the country to see Dr. Lou!
What Is Umbilicoplasty?
Umbilicoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure which involves making a small incision around or inside the belly button. This cosmetic surgery can also involve removing excess skin, fat, or scar tissue around that region in order to give it a more aesthetic appearance. The navel may also be repositioned higher or lower during the procedure as well.
Why Do People Undergo Umbilicoplasty Surgery?
Umbilicoplasty was first performed to correct umbilical hernias. Today, umbilicoplasty is also performed on adults wishing to cosmetically enhance their abdomen. Belly button surgery is often performed after an abdominoplasty or as part of a mommy makeover. This plastic surgery can also convert an “outie” into an “innie”.
This cosmetic surgery is also popular among:
individuals who experienced dramatic weight loss
patients who wish to correct scarring or deformities caused by previous surgeries such as tummy tucks or a piercing scar
those who are undergoing surgery for an umbilical hernia
women who are dissatisfied with their belly button following pregnancy or childbirth
Who Are Good Candidates for Umbilicoplasty?
The ideal umbilicoplasty candidate is an individual with a healthy, stable weight. They should have no co-morbidities which may adversely affect the outcome of the procedure. Umbilicoplasty is not advisable for individuals who are significantly overweight or women who are planning on becoming pregnant.
How Is This Plastic Surgery Procedure Performed?
You will be given instructions before the procedure about what to avoid in order to promote healing. This includes:
quitting smoking for at least a month before the procedure
abstaining from alcohol for at least two weeks
stopping certain medications a few weeks before the procedure.
Belly button surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used depends on several factors specific to the patient. An umbilicoplasty procedure is a minimally-invasive form of plastic surgery. It involves a small incision made on your abdomen to reshape your belly button.
Depending on your needs and goals, Dr. Lou may also remove excess skin, fat, or scar tissue around the belly button. The surgery can also be performed alongside other procedures. This may include a tummy tuck or a mommy makeover. Generally, an umbilicoplasty does not take more than 1-2 hours.
What Is Recovery Like Following the Procedure?
Umbilicoplasty is an outpatient procedure. Some degree of swelling, discomfort and soreness is expected. This typically subsides quickly, with most individuals being able to return to work immediately. The sutures are usually removed after 1-2 weeks and normal exercise can be resumed in as little as 3 weeks following the procedure.
The cosmetic results of the surgical procedure are permanent and are best seen after the swelling and bruising have resolved. Typically the procedure creates a more vertical, inverted, and cosmetically appealing navel. Pregnancy, childbirth, or significant weight loss or gain can affect results in the long term.
What Are the Benefits of an Umbilicoplasty Procedure?
The procedure is minimally invasive. This means that the surgery is performed in such a way that bleeding, scarring, and the possibility of infection are reduced as much as possible. This dramatically reduces the length of your hospital stay. It also means you can go back to work and continue with your normal daily activities much sooner.
Belly button surgery can be performed with other procedures such as a tummy tuck, umbilical hernia repair, or a mommy makeover surgery.
The results of an umbilicoplasty are permanent. However, it’s important to note that these results can be affected over time by significant weight gain, pregnancy, childbirth, and even subsequent surgeries around the area.
Umbilicoplasty Surgery

“I’m always very pleased with the results. Dr. Lou and his staff are awesome.”
Umbilicoplasty FAQs
What Are the Risks?
Like all surgeries there is a risk of scarring, bleeding, and wound infection. However, umbilicoplasty is a minimally invasive surgery. Moreover, Dr. Lou is a board-certified plastic surgeon. Every patient at Lou Plastic Surgery is screened extensively before undergoing any procedure. This is to ensure that patients don’t have co-morbidities or lifestyle habits that may adversely affect the outcome of the surgery.
Additionally, precautions are taken to minimize the risk of developing complications. These include the use of compression garments, frequent post-op checkups, adequate patient education on wound care, proper hydration, and so on.
How Much Does the Procedure Cost?
The cost of getting an umbilicoplasty can vary widely depending on several factors such as the experience of the surgeon, the type of anesthesia used during the procedure, and whether it’s a standalone procedure or was performed in conjunction with other procedures as well. Generally, the procedure costs between $4500 - $7500.
Remember, the most important factor when choosing a plastic surgeon is the quality and safety of the services offered.

Umbilicoplasty in Houston, TX
Belly buttons come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, however, patients may feel self-conscious about their navel for various reasons. Dr. Lou is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Houston, TX who offers corrective and cosmetic umbilicoplasty surgery. This helps patients regain their confidence through a more aesthetically pleasing belly button. If you’re looking for umbilicoplasty in Texas, you’ll be in great hands at Lou Plastic Surgery.